Course Creators Weekly #18
October 26th, 2020
- Creating Content that Stands Out
This week, we learn how to create content that stands out, how to run an effective course launch campaign, and how to get more exposure on social media!
Barrett Brooks: How to Create Content that Stands Out
The conversation on this podcast revolves around a twitter thread, and Barrett Brooks's response to a question from the Atomic Habits writer, James Clear:
- What is one interesting idea or concept you can summarize in a single tweet?
— James Clear - A person’s best thinking is rarely communicated through synchronous conversation.
— Barrett Brooks
It's an interesting—ironically synchronous—conversation. Here are my key takeaways:
- Find your style of standing out, e.g. teaching, inspiring, entertaining, engaging, etc
- Refine and crystallise ideas before creating content around them
- Share original thoughts in original ways—avoid responding to outside influence
- Do the kinds of things that could become iconic, but don't expect them to
- Make content habitually, over a long period of time, on some regular schedule
- Start by resonating with just one person
- Aim for originality over frequency (e.g. ConvertKit Creator Stories)
How to Sell an Online Course (PART 2)
This is part 2 of the video I shared in CCW #17, and it's all about how to run an effective launch campaign to sell your course.
- Think about your launch campaign as a sequence, allowing people time to decide
- A launch campaign is typically 3–7 days, though can be longer too
- Expect to send 1 email per day, followed by 3 on the final day
Here's how to do a 5-day launch:
- Remind people of the transformation you're offering—it's not about your course
- Show proof by sharing stats, but more importantly, stories heavy on emotion
- Tackle objections head-on, by sharing specific stories around those doubts
- Give people a reason to act NOW, reiterating scarcity or amplifying the problem
- Send 3 FINAL CALL emails: early in the day + mid-day + few hours before closing time
A few notes about those final emails:
- Don't be afraid of too many emails, as long as you truly believe in your offering
- Give people the option to opt out of the sequence without unsubscribing entirely
- A lot of people wait until the last minute to decide—most sales happen on the last day
If you don't have an email list yet, or need ideas to help you grow your audience, check out CCW #7: Lead Magnet Ideas that ACTUALLY WORK.